Incoming Leaders
Conference Membership
Serving Together
Many of the Elders within the Free Methodist Church (FMC) serve as husband and wife teams. Kate and Leif Wallace Nunneley were ordained together at Annual Conference 2021.

Oriero, Serena
I was raised in the church. My grandfather was a Free Methodist Elder and for many years was the director of the campground in Oak Glen. I spent my childhood attending all the youth camps and having many wonderful God experiences while at camp. This time definitely shaped who I am, but it wasn’t until I was an adult that I truly learned who God was and the intimate relationship He wanted to have with me. I was in my twenties when I truly experienced God and all His goodness. Growing up in the church, I always knew what it meant to follow Jesus and be a child of God, and I carried that knowledge into adulthood. But, as I began to study deeper and be in ministry, I became more aware of the deep intimate relationship God desired to have with me and that following Him was a much deeper relationship than just excepting Him as my Saviour and professing I was a child of God. Today I make a choice every day to follow Him. To lay down my life for Him, pick up my cross, and say, “Whatever you want, Lord, I am yours.”
How did the Spirit guide you to your current ministry and what has God called you to do through your ministry?
My husband and I had left the Free Methodist church in the mid-’90s and were part of a team that planted a church. We spent years with that ministry until the special needs of our youngest son became too much to handle while in ministry. After a few years of not attending anywhere regularly, we knew we needed to be back in church. I felt drawn to return to the church I was raised in and within a couple weeks we knew we wanted to serve in ministry under Pastors Soo Ji & Joe. After three years of ministering alongside them, God opened my eyes to the call He had placed on my heart as a little girl to be a pastor. I had never seen woman pastors growing up and really never understood why I would feel like I was called to be ordained. I also struggled with feeling like it must be to late to answer this call now, I have grandchildren, I must be to old for this. Pastor Soo Ji and Pastor Kari both assured me that the time is now and reminded me that God doesn’t make mistakes, His plan is always the perfect plan. I am still working out what the actual call for me to do in ministry is but what I do know is that I want to able to be the person that my daughters, grand daughter, sisters, nieces, all look at and know that whatever God has called them to do in ministry, being a woman doesn’t have to stop them.
How did you come to first be involved with the Free Methodist Church and why have you chosen to continue your ministry in the Free Methodist Church?
I was raised in the Free Methodist Church. I have chosen to return and continue in ministry with the Free Methodist Church because I love the values of the FMC. The Five Freedoms of the FMC are why we came back and why we stay. I believe we still have some work to do in order to look like we are living out these values, but I see the forward progress and am excited to continue to be a part of it.