Event Information

Annual Conference is an exciting time to celebrate what God is doing throughout the Free Methodist Church and we want you to be part of it. Find out how you can make the most of the Annual Conference Experience.

Attend Annual Conference

If you are attending in person, you’ll find everything you need to enjoy a wonderful day together.

Watch Online

Watch live with us on May 14, 2022, or watch at any time through our archived video links.


If you are a voting member of the Free Methodist Church in Southern California, it is both your honor and responsibility to vote for our church leaders. Find out how.

Standing Rules

Our standing rules provide a structure for how we do business and make decisions at Annual Conference. Read the complete set of rules online.

Boards and Committees

Free Methodists are a diverse group of believers, hailing from all walks of life. Our leadership across the Southern California conference mirrors that diversity through a commitment to an equal mix of clergy and lay leaders (non-clergy), the empowerment of traditionally underrepresented people, and the engagement of communities across the broad socioeconomic spectrum that makes up Southern California.


Superintendents provide for vision alignment and implementation, leadership development, and guidance for the administration and growth of the church.

Board of Administration

The standing administrative committee of the conference, established to create and manage policy of the entire conference within the limits of the Book of Discipline.

Nominating Committee

Responsible for preparing for the annual conference a list of nominations for positions vacated by either resignation or expiration of terms.

Ministerial Education & Guidance Committee

Responsible for qualifying, guiding, counseling, and mentoring candidates for ordination as they prepare for ministry.

Ministerial Appointments Committee

Responsible for appointing qualified ministers to ministries and monitoring progress and growth.

Kingdom Ministry Group

Develops sustainable and vital Free Methodist Societies by sponsoring church planting projects and caring for societies requiring revitalization.

Finance Committee

Reviews and recommends action on all matters concerning financial actions of the local church and the conference at large.

The Management Group

Provides oversight for The Management Group, a for-benefit corporation of the FMCSC that provides bookkeeping and administrative services for eligible ministries.


We like to say that “it’s good to belong.” Within the Free Methodist Church, our elders are members of a ministerial tradition that seeks to disciple effective church leaders and grow ministries.

Incoming Leaders

Join us in welcoming our new Ministerial Candidates and incoming Elders for 2022.

Ministerial Members

Meet our elders serving throughout Southern California and beyond.

Annual Conference Delegates

Our delegates vote for leaders, provide feedback during decision making, and are an essential part of Annual Conference each year.


We remember those who have gone on to be with Christ and celebrate their impact on the Kingdom of God.

Greetings from Special Appointments

Not every elder is appointed to a traditional church ministry. Hear from elders who serve in unique ministries around the world.

Event Registration

Event Information
Checking-In During AC18

One of the best parts of being at Annual Conference is connecting with friends and leaders from other churches across Southern California.

Questions and Answers

How many days is Annual Conference?

In our original save-the-date email, you might have read that Annual Conference was two days. Annual Conference 2022 is just one day: Saturday, May 14, 2022 from 9am-5pm.

Where is Annual Conference?

This year we are joining back together at Azusa Pacific University in Upper Turner Campus Center. It will be an exciting time to worship, learn, and connect.

Are meals provided?

This is a church event… of course there’s food! In addition to snacks throughout the day, we’ll also provide lunch during our mid-day break. If you have specific dietary needs, please let us know while registering.

Is an online option available?

Yes, we will provide an online feed the day of Annual Conference and on-demand if you would like to participate virtually. If you choose to join us online, you do not need to register to attend below.

What COVID precautions are being taken?

We will continue to follow all current California and Los Angeles County guidelines for COVID safety. Additionally, we will provide markers that can quickly show your comfort level for interaction to make your experience a positive one.