Conference Membership
Pray Without Ceasing
While Annual Conference can sometimes feel like a rock concert, there are also moments of quiet and peace where one can find opportunities to listen to the Spirit.
Each year we remember those who have gone on before us and celebrate their service to Christ and to his church. Join us as we continue to pray for their families and those with whom they served.

Hal Conklin
December 11, 1945 – May 21, 2021
Hal was a long-time member and leader at Santa Barbara Free Methodist Church, as well as our denomination. Surrounded by his family, he passed peacefully into the presence of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Hal devoted his life to his family, to building up communities, and to developing leaders in every context in which he worked. He will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him.
Hal was the former Santa Barbara mayor, council member, environmental pioneer, arts advocate, and all-purpose civic visionary.
In person, Hal bubbled over with effervescent delight; he didn’t get angry so much as he got amused. He didn’t tell old war stories — drenched in the minutia of Santa Barbara’s backroom politics — so much as he lived them, and he could recount them — decades later — with detail, astonishment, and glee.
Matthew 25:21 – ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’

Les Moaalii (CMC)
February 20, 1969 – August 3, 2021
Pastor Les, along with his wife Connie, were pillars within the Chapel of Change leadership serving on the Leadership Council, as a worship leader, a men’s ministry leader, as well as other roles that promoted the Kingdom of God in this generation.
He was the backbone to COC’s worship, feeding the flames of our revival. Les was also one of the original pioneers of So. Cal. Christian hip-hop as a founding member of the celebrated group Priesthood. He rocked Jesus on small and big stages around the world. His worship will live forever through his celebrated songs such as Thug Worship, Sprinkle Me Luv and others. He was truly a gift to this world and a standup Kingsmen.

Donald Crandall (Elder)
May 22, 1934 – November 21, 2021
Donald Crandall was ordained with the Free Methodist Church in 1959 and came to the Southern California conference in 1967 His first appointment was to the San Bernardino church, and he continued to serve as a pastor in different churches for 31 years.
As a retired minister in the conference, he continued doing ministry, especially in the area of providing food for the hungry. One of his positions included serving as Executive Director of The Parent Foundation, an organization that was providing food and other services to those in need.

Evan Collins (Lay Leader)
November 6, 1937 – February 1, 2022
Evan Revere Collins Jr. passed away peacefully at his home in Santa Barbara, California on February 1, 2022, at the age of 84. He was born in Massachusetts, graduated from Dartmouth College and Tuck School of Business, and lived in New York and Arizona before settling in Santa Barbara in 1995.
In addition to his career in Finance, he served as a dedicated board member and financial advisor to The Free Methodist Church of Santa Barbara, The Free Methodist Foundation, Azusa Pacific University, Santa Barbara Symphony, and Tri-State United Ways of Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. As President of Butterfield Foundation, Evan will be remembered for his work to set up free medical clinics, comprehensive medical records for migrant populations and the homeless, and Christian adoption centers in Oklahoma.
During his time in New York, Evan was an accomplished sports car racer, winning two national titles and setting numerous track records. He was a car aficionado with a love of classic cars and a skilled mechanic.
Evan is survived by his wife, Juanita Christensen Collins; sister, Marta Collins Cahn; 4 children, Evan R. Collins III, Elizabeth Burnette, Randell Collins, and Lindsay Emmerson; 8 grandchildren; and 1 great grandchild.

Benjamin “Benny” Lopez (CMC)
April 1, 1969 – April 12, 2022
Pastor Benny was born on April 1 1969 at Long Beach Memorial Hospital he transitioned into eternity at the same hospital on April 12, 2022.
His Father was John Lopez and his mom is Alejandra Lopez. He has four Brothers: David, Sam, Danny & Moses and two sisters Evelyn & Lisa. Benny was married to Sandra Lopez and they have three kids Cassandra, Benjamin Jr (BJ) and Rebecca.
He planted El Camino Downey in Downey CA and started pastoring in 1995 in Downey until he came to Chapel of Change in Paramount on August 2013 and at CoC he was presented as Pastor over our Spanish Ministry.
Pastor Benny made it his life mission to preach and teach the word of God. He also loved media and produced media content for Chapel of Change.